
David Paton-Williams

David Paton-Williams


David was born in Yorkshire but grew up on the other side of the Pennines, in Cheshire. Leaving school at sixteen, he worked for three years in Barclay's Bank before returning to education. At Warwick University, where he studied Philosophy and Sociology, he met Jenny and they married in 1982. They have two sons, Ed and George and three grandsons. Having returned to the Christian faith at university, David trained for the ministry at Ridley Hall in Cambridge. He spent six years in the Durham Diocese, before returning to Yorkshire for twenty-three years: as a College Chaplain and Minor Canon in Ripon; as a parish priest in rural North Yorkshire; and latterly in suburban Leeds. David plays ukulele, loves 18th century history and is fascinated, if sometimes baffled, by modern cosmology.

Mary Moffett

Mary Moffett

Rector's Warden

Sheila Judson

Sheila Judson

People's Warden

Alison Wagstaff

Alison Wagstaff

Clergy Team

Alison Wagstaff has been associated with St. Columba’s since 1980 and has served as a member of the non-stipendiary Clergy team since the mid-80’s. She shares fully in the church’s preaching and sacramental ministry although pastoral care is her primary area of focus. Formerly, Alison was an Anglican Chaplain at the University of Edinburgh and later Assistant Chaplain at the Royal Edinburgh (Psychiatric) Hospital, also working at Gogarburn (Learning Difficulties) Hospital. She established a Community Mental Health Chaplaincy based in rooms in Augustine United Church. After 12 years in Hospital Chaplaincy, Alison became Chaplain at St Columba’s Hospice, in Edinburgh, retiring in 2005.
Alison trained with Scottish Marriage Guidance as a Counsellor, and later trained as a supervisor. A trained and experienced spiritual director, she offers her skills, from time to time, in listening to people.
Alison was ordained priest at St Cuthbert’s, Colinton in 1999. She is married to Howard, and they have four offspring, Julian, Roland, Caroline and Lyndsey and five grandsons, ranging in age from 22 yrs to 8 yrs old. Lyndsey lives in Duns, in the Borders, with her four boys and all the others are living in Edinburgh.

Bob Gould

Bob Gould

Clergy Team

Bob Gould serves as a non-stipendiary member of the Clergy Team. In addition to sharing in preaching and sacramental duties, Bob’s areas of focus include adult education, archives, and the ecumenical partnership with Greyfriars Kirk and Augustine United Church.
Bob has been a member of St Columba’s since coming to Edinburgh in 1962. He was ordained priest in St Columba’s in 1983. From 2000-2004, he was Honorary Anglican Chaplain at the University of Edinburgh, and has on seven occasions served as Interim Pastor for churches in transition in the Diocese of Edinburgh. He serves on the Advisory Panel of the New College Missionary Society, as a Trustee of the Grassmarket Mission, and as a director of the Grassmarket Community Project. In addition, he coordinates the local ecumenical Food Bank.
After a first degree in Chemistry at Williams College in Massachusetts, he received a Ph.D. from the University of St Andrews in 1962, and was on the staff of the University of Edinburgh Chemistry Department from 1962-2000. His research was in structural chemistry, and he held fellowships at the Universities of Nijmegen and Göttingen. He married Sheila in 1965, and has three children and four grandchildren, who are scattered over Bristol, England, Ontario, Canada and New York City. Bob enjoys singing and is a member of the Edinburgh Singers. He also takes pleasure in riding a bicycle, travelling and (especially) talking.

Jenny Paton-Williams

Jenny Paton-Williams

Lay Reader

Jenny came to Edinburgh in 2016 when her husband became the Rector of St Columba’s. She was brought up on a farm in Cornwall and has been moving further and further north ever since! She has had a range of mostly unsuccessful occupations ranging from working in a wine-bar, being a teaching assistant and a self-employed upholsterer. Home, family and church-life have always been a better fit.

Jenny enjoys many things including art, theatre, textiles, recipes, gardening and the natural world, travel and having a good yarn with people. She is involved in several local groups such as breadmaking and the orchard at the Grassmarket Project, Amnesty International at The Beehive and Food Sharing Edinburgh. She attends meetings of Edinburgh Interfaith Association and the Scottish Wildlife Trust. One day she may improve her Scottish dancing.

Jenny is now in her post-licensing training. At St.Columba’s she sometimes preaches and is involved in the services as many others are. She is helping with the Quiet Garden which brings together spirituality and the environment.