Quiet Garden Open at St. Columba’s
We are now affiliated the worldwide Quiet Garden Movement. On April 28th we celebrated the opening of our south-facing terrace, with children enthusiastically sprinkling it with holy water (much needed in this driest of springs). As we were about to open the gate some tourists who had seen the new signs at the top of the steps looked in. They were called Carlotta and Andreas from Italy and not only did they become our first visitors they ceremonially unlocked the gate for us!
We hope that the gardens will be open on many days though we will not be able to open when we have private Hall users. During the Festival period the garden will once more become a Fringe ticket office and café.
Our Rector David has written a prayer for this new aspect of our mission:
A blessing in the rain and sun
The goodness of the Three in One.
A blessing in the flower and tree,
The beauty of the One in Three.
A blessing in the living earth,
The knowledge of creation’s worth.
A blessing in this quiet place
The presence of the God of grace.
On all who wander in and stay
To sit, relax or think or pray
To look for stillness or release
A blessing from the God of Peace.